Lesson 2 - Installing Docker on Mac M1

15/02/2024 - 2 phút

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To install and use Docker on Mac M1 efficiently, you need to carefully follow these steps in detail. Mac M1 uses ARM architecture, so there are a few things to note to ensure Docker operates smoothly.

Installing Docker on Mac M1:

Step 1: Download Docker Desktop for Mac

  • Visit the official Docker website at Docker Desktop for Mac and download the version for Apple Silicon.

  • Ensure you have selected the correct version for Mac M1, as there are separate versions for Intel chips and Apple Silicon.

Step 2: Install Docker Desktop

  • Open the downloaded .dmg file and drag the Docker icon into the Applications folder.
  • Open Docker from the Applications folder. The first time you open Docker, you may need to go through some macOS security steps to allow the app to run.

Step 3: Start and Configure Docker Desktop

  • After installation, open Docker Desktop. The app will automatically start and run in the background.
  • You may need to adjust the resource configurations such as CPU, memory, and storage in Preferences to optimize performance.

Step 4: Verify Installation

  • Open Terminal and type docker --version to check the Docker version, ensuring Docker is installed correctly.

Using Docker:

Step 1: Pull a Docker Image

  • Open Terminal and use the command docker pull hello-world to pull a simple Docker image to test.
  • This command will download the hello-world image from Docker Hub to your machine.

Step 2: Run a Container

  • Use the command docker run hello-world to create and run a container from the hello-world image.
  • This will start the container, and you should see a welcome message from Docker, indicating the container is working.

Step 3: Manage Containers and Images

  • Use docker logs <container-id> to view the logs of a specific container.
  • Stop running containers with docker stop <container-name> and remove them with docker rm <container-name>.

Important Notes:

  • For Mac M1, you may need to use Docker images optimized for ARM architecture. Check the image information on Docker Hub to ensure compatibility.
  • If you encounter errors related to ARM architecture, you may need to look for alternative images or use solutions like QEMU to emulate the x86 architecture.


Installing and using Docker on Mac M1 might require some minor adjustments due to hardware architecture differences, but the overall process is quite straightforward. Docker is a powerful tool that allows you to package, distribute, and run your applications consistently across any environment, simplifying the application development and deployment process.