Lesson 2 - PostgreSQL vs. Other Databases

21/11/2023 - 6 phút

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PostgreSQL vs Other Databases

Below are the main differences between PostgreSQL and other popular database systems such as MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Oracle. By understanding these differences, you will be able to make a more informed decision about which database management system is best suited to your needs.

Factor / FeaturePostgreSQLMySQL / MariaDBSQLiteOracle
LicensePostgreSQL License, Open SourceGPL, Open SourcePublic Domain, Open SourceProprietary, Commercial
Programming LanguageVarious, including PL/pgSQL, PL/Python, PL/JavaVarious, including PL/SQLNot integratedPL/SQL, Java, PL/SQL Server Pages
Database Management ToolspgAdmin, phpPgAdmin, Pgpool-IIphpMyAdmin, MySQL WorkbenchNot integratedOracle Enterprise Manager
ACID SupportFullFullFullFull
Concurrent AccessGoodGoodLimitedGood
JSON SupportYes (JSONB)Yes (JSON)Yes (Built-in)Yes (Native)
XML SupportYesYesYes (Built-in)Yes (Native)
Full-Text Search SupportYesYesYes (via Extensions)Yes
Spatial Data SupportYesYes (via Extensions)Not integratedYes (via Spatial and Graph)
Replication SupportYes (Streaming Replication)Yes (Replication)Not integratedYes (Oracle Data Guard)
SQL Standards ComplianceCompliantPartially compliantCompliantCompliant

PostgreSQL vs MySQL/MariaDB

MySQL and MariaDB, both are popular open-source relational database management systems (RDBMS). Here’s how PostgreSQL compares to them:

  • Concurrency: PostgreSQL uses Multi-Version Concurrency Control (MVCC), which allows for improved performance in situations where multiple users or applications are accessing the database at the same time. MySQL and MariaDB use table-level locking features, which can be less efficient in highly contentious situations.

  • Data Types: PostgreSQL supports a larger number of custom and advanced data types, including arrays, hstore (key-value store), and JSON. MySQL and MariaDB primarily handle basic data types such as numbers, strings, and dates.

  • Query Optimization: PostgreSQL typically has a more complex query optimizer that can better utilize indexes and statistics, which can lead to better query performance.

  • Extensions: PostgreSQL has a rich ecosystem of extensions that can be used to add functionality to the database system, such as PostGIS for spatial and geographic data. MySQL and MariaDB also have plugins, but the ecosystem may not be as extensive as Postgres.

PostgreSQL vs SQLite

  • Scalability: SQLite is designed for small-scale applications and personal projects, while PostgreSQL is designed for enterprise-level applications and can handle large amounts of data and concurrent connections.

  • Concurrency: As mentioned earlier, PostgreSQL uses MVCC for better concurrent access to the database. On the other hand, SQLite uses file-level locking features, which can lead to database lock issues in highly contentious situations.

  • Features: PostgreSQL boasts a range of advanced features and data types, while SQLite offers a more limited feature set that has been optimized for simplicity and minimal resource usage.

PostgreSQL vs Oracle

Oracle is a proprietary, commercial RDBMS, offering many advanced features for large enterprises. Here’s how PostgreSQL compares to Oracle:

  • Cost: PostgreSQL is open-source and free to use, while Oracle has high licensing costs that can be extremely expensive for smaller projects and businesses.

  • Concurrency: Although both databases have good performance and can handle large amounts of data, Oracle has certain features and optimizations that can make this database more suitable for some specific, high-performance applications.

  • Community: PostgreSQL has a large, active open-source community providing support, development, and extensions. Oracle, being a proprietary system, relies on the company’s development and support team, which may not provide the same level of openness and collaboration.

PostgreSQL vs NoSQL

Factor / FeaturePostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Database TypeRDBMSNoSQL (Document-Oriented, Key-Value, Columnar, Graph, and many others)
SchemaYesFlexible, can define own Schema or none
SQLANSI SQLDoes not use SQL (or has a specific NoSQL SQL version)
ACID SupportFullDepends on the specific NoSQL database
Concurrent AccessGoodDepends on the specific NoSQL database
PerformanceGoodDepends on the specific NoSQL database and query model
Data StructureTableDiverse (Document, Key-Value, Column, Graph, …)
Data ModelDiverseDepends on the type of NoSQL (e.g., Document, Key-Value, …)
FlexibilityLowHigh (Easy to change data structure)
JSON SupportYes (JSONB)Yes (Built-in)
XML SupportYesDepends on the specific NoSQL database
Full-Text Search SupportYesDepends on the specific NoSQL database
Spatial Data SupportYesDepends on the specific NoSQL database
SQL Standards ComplianceCompliantNot applicable (or has a specific NoSQL SQL version)

Database Type

PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Relational Database Management System (RDBMS)Various non-relational (NoSQL) database management systems, including Document databases, Key-Value stores, Column-family databases, and Graph databases.

Example : PostgreSQL is often used for customer data management systems in banks, while MongoDB (a Document database) is suitable for storing and retrieving flexible JSON data for web applications.

Query Language Type

PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Uses SQL (Structured Query Language)Each NoSQL system has its own query language, for example: MongoDB uses a JSON-like query language, while Neo4j uses Cypher.

Example: PostgreSQL uses SQL for querying and managing data. MongoDB uses a JSON-based query syntax for data retrieval.


PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Less flexible in changing data structure. Must adhere to a fixed schema.Flexible in data storage, does not require a fixed schema and allows easy structure changes.

Example: PostgreSQL requires defining the table structure before inserting data, while MongoDB allows storing JSON data without needing to define a specific structure beforehand.

Data Integration

PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Capable of performing complex transactions and diverse query operations.Often used for applications requiring scalability and high performance, where simple transactions are needed or no complex query operations are required.

Example: PostgreSQL is suitable for handling complex financial transactions. MongoDB is often used in applications requiring flexibility and scalability.


PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Reliable, maintains data integrity, handles complex operations, ideal for applications requiring structured data.High performance, horizontal scalability, flexibility in storing unstructured or semi-structured data, suitable for large-scale applications and those requiring flexibility in data design.

Example: PostgreSQL is reliable for banking systems. MongoDB is suitable for storing dynamic data from IoT devices.

Suitable Use Cases

PostgreSQLNoSQL Database Management Systems
Applications requiring consistent and tightly structured data, such as financial or banking systems.Applications handling large amounts of unstructured or semi-structured data, such as social media platforms, IoT devices, or content management systems.
Complex tasks for reporting and data analysis.Applications requiring high performance, scalability, and readiness, such as real-time analytics, gaming platforms, or search tools.
Applications that can benefit from advanced features, such as stored procedures, triggers, and full-text search.Projects requiring flexibility in data design and need to handle unstructured or semi-structured data.

Example: PostgreSQL is suitable for banking financial management systems. MongoDB is suitable for large social applications with non-uniform user data.