Lesson 1 - Introduction to Ubuntu Server and VirtualBox

24/06/2024 - 3 phút

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Overview of Ubuntu and Ubuntu Server

In the dangerous and mystical world of martial arts, where heroes battle for supremacy, the Ubuntu sect 🌄 has emerged as a new power, originating from the venerable Debian master 🥋. The Canonical grandmaster 📜 has developed Ubuntu into a formidable sect, attracting countless disciples from all directions. Similar to the famous Wudang sect known for Tai Chi ⚔️, Ubuntu stands out for its user-friendliness, ease of use, and high compatibility, earning admiration and the desire to join from many.

Among the secret techniques of the Ubuntu sect, there is a supreme inner teaching reserved for true masters - the Ubuntu Server 🛡️. This scripture is akin to the Nine Yin Manual 📚, enabling masters to easily deploy and manage services such as web servers, database servers, and many others. The notable features of Ubuntu Server include:

  • High security: Like the indestructible Diamond Body technique 🧱, Ubuntu Server is regularly updated with security patches, ensuring the system is safe from malicious attacks.
  • Long-term support (LTS): The LTS version of Ubuntu Server is supported for 5 years, like a warrior’s solemn vow before battle 🏹.
  • Strong community support: Ubuntu has a large community, like the Beggar’s Sect 🏯 with masters always ready to help and share experiences. Whatever you need, just ask, and you shall receive!
  • Customizability: Ubuntu Server does not come with a default graphical interface, allowing administrators to customize and install only what is necessary, optimizing performance. Like martial artists training in their unique fighting styles, each person can choose their own path, best suited to their skills 🥋.

Introduction to VirtualBox and Reasons to Use VirtualBox

In the arsenal of martial arts, there exists a precious sword named VirtualBox ⚔️, forged by the grandmaster Oracle 🏯 himself. This sword, like the legendary Dragon Saber, allows its wielder to traverse freely, running multiple operating systems on the same computer. VirtualBox supports various guest OSes, just as the Dragon Saber can cut through any weapon.

Reasons to use VirtualBox for practicing and operating Ubuntu Server:

  1. Cost savings: Using VirtualBox does not require multiple computers. With just one machine, you can create various virtual environments, saving budget like a martial artist conserving internal energy 💰.
  2. Safety and convenience: VirtualBox allows you to experiment with new techniques without risking damage to the main system. In case of mishaps, you can easily restore to a previous state, like a martial artist recovering internal energy after overexerting 🛡️.
  3. Easy backup and restoration: Before making any changes, you can take snapshots of the virtual machine. This allows you to revert to a previous state if errors occur, like a recovery move in martial arts contests 💾.
  4. Flexibility in learning: VirtualBox enables you to create multiple virtual machines to simulate different environments. You can practice installing and configuring Ubuntu Server without worrying about hardware or affecting the main operating system 📘.
  5. Cross-platform support: VirtualBox can run on various host OSes such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, providing flexibility for users in any environment 🌐.

With VirtualBox, you can practice installing, configuring, and managing Ubuntu Server in a safe and cost-effective environment. This prepares you to become a skilled system administrator, akin to a martial arts master with proficient skills and profound knowledge. Just as Duan Yu learned the Swift Moving Steps 🏃‍♂️, you will master every technique and become a master in the realm of system administration.