What is GraalVM?

06/12/2023 - 5 phút

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1. Introduction to GraalVM

GraalVM is a polyglot virtual machine developed by Oracle. It extends the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to support additional languages and programming techniques beyond Java. GraalVM not only supports JVM-based languages like Scala, Kotlin but also supports JavaScript, Ruby, R, Python, and even LLVM-compatible languages like C and C++. A notable feature of GraalVM is its ability to perform Ahead-of-Time Compilation to generate native code, improving application performance and startup time.

2. Why use GraalVM?

  • High Performance: GraalVM improves application performance through a modern JIT compiler and AOT compilation capabilities, optimizing execution speed and reducing startup time.

  • Multi-Language Support: Compatibility with multiple programming languages is a significant advantage, allowing for smooth development and integration of applications in different languages.

  • Cloud and Microservices Optimization: GraalVM is very suitable for cloud applications and microservices architecture due to its fast startup and low memory consumption.

  • Extensibility and Integration: GraalVM provides the ability to integrate with existing Java tools and libraries, helping to expand the functionality of traditional Java applications.

3. How does GraalVM work?

GraalVM operates based on a multi-layered and multi-language architecture, allowing it to support and optimize various programming languages.

graph TD
    A[GraalVM] --> B((JVM))
    A --> C((LLVM Runtime))
    A --> D((JavaScript Engine))
    A --> E((Other Language Runtimes))
    B --> F[Java Applications]
    C --> G[C/C++/Other LLVM Languages]
    D --> H[JavaScript Applications]
    E --> I[Ruby/Python/R/Other Languages]
    F --> J[GraalVM Compiler]
    G --> J
    H --> J
    I --> J
    J --> K[Optimized Machine Code]

    classDef default fill:#f9f,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
    class A default;
  • A [GraalVM]: The multi-language virtual machine at the center.
  • B [JVM]: JVM is the main platform, allowing GraalVM to run Java applications.
  • C [LLVM Runtime]: Provides the ability to run languages that can be compiled into LLVM bitcode such as C and C++.
  • D [JavaScript Engine]: The execution environment for JavaScript applications.
  • E [Other Language Runtimes]: Supports other languages such as Ruby, Python, R, etc.
  • F, G, H, I: Applications written in different languages running on GraalVM.
  • J [GraalVM Compiler]: GraalVM’s powerful JIT/AOT compiler, optimizing code for all supported languages.
  • K [Optimized Machine Code]: Optimized machine code, the result of the compilation process.

4. Features of GraalVM

  • Ahead-of-Time Compilation (AOT): Creates standalone executable files, reducing application startup time and memory consumption.
  • JIT Compiler: Improves application execution performance through a modern JIT compiler.
  • Multi-Language Support: Allows running applications written in various languages on the same virtual machine.
  • Performance Optimization: Advanced JIT compiler helps optimize the execution performance of different languages.
  • Polyglot Interop Support: Allows smooth and efficient interaction between different languages.
  • GraalVM Native Image: Provides the ability to create applications as a native image, helping to speed up startup and reduce memory consumption.
  • Cloud Native Technology Support: Optimized for cloud applications and microservices, supports containerized architecture and Kubernetes.

5. Versions of GraalVM

GraalVM has two main versions: Community Edition and Enterprise Edition. | Version | Source Code | License | Support | Features | | —————— | ———– | ——— | ——— | ———————- | | Community Edition | Open Source | GPL v2 | Community | Basic Features | | Enterprise Edition | Open Source | GPL v2 | Oracle | Advanced Features |

6. Supported Languages

GraalVM supports the following languages:

  • Java: Java 8, 11, 15, 17, 21
  • JavaScript: ECMAScript 2020 (ES11) and ECMAScript 2021 (ES12)
  • Python: Python 3.7 and 3.8
  • Ruby: Ruby 2.6
  • R: R 4.0
  • LLVM: C, C++, Fortran, and Rust
  • WebAssembly: WebAssembly MVP

7. Supported Tools

GraalVM supports the following tools:

  • GraalVM Updater: A tool for updating GraalVM. This tool is pre-installed in GraalVM.
  • GraalVM Language Servers: Language servers support compilers and language analysis tools.
  • GraalVM Debugger: A debugging tool for Java applications and other languages.
  • GraalVM Profiler: A performance analysis tool for Java applications and other languages.
  • GraalVM VisualVM: A performance analysis tool for Java applications and other languages.
  • GraalVM Mission Control: A performance analysis tool for Java applications and other languages.
  • GraalVM LLVM Runtime: A tool that supports LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Toolchain: A tool that supports LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Bitcode Parser: A tool that supports LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Bitcode Writer: A tool that supports LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Instrumentation: A tool that supports LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Runtime: A tool that supports LLVM applications.

8. Supported Libraries

GraalVM supports the following libraries:

  • Truffle: Provides APIs for developing compilers for new languages. Truffle is a powerful tool for developing new languages.
  • Substrate VM: Provides APIs for developing native image applications.
  • GraalVM Polyglot API: Provides APIs for developing multi-language applications.
  • GraalVM TruffleRuby: Provides APIs for developing Ruby applications.
  • GraalVM FastR: Provides APIs for developing R applications.
  • GraalVM JavaScript: Provides APIs for developing JavaScript applications.
  • GraalVM Python: Provides APIs for developing Python applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Runtime: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Toolchain: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Bitcode Parser: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Bitcode Writer: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Instrumentation: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.
  • GraalVM LLVM Runtime: Provides APIs for developing LLVM applications.

9. Conclusion

In this article, we have learned about GraalVM, a polyglot virtual machine developed by Oracle.

GraalVM is a polyglot virtual machine developed by Oracle. It extends the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) to support additional languages and programming techniques beyond Java. GraalVM not only supports JVM-based languages like Scala, Kotlin but also supports JavaScript, Ruby, R, Python, and even LLVM-compatible languages like C and C++. A notable feature of GraalVM is its ability to perform Ahead-of-Time Compilation to generate native code, improving application performance and startup time.

GraalVM provides a powerful solution for developers who want to maximize performance and flexibility in developing multi-language and multi-platform applications.