Pgpool-II Admin Ubuntu -
Pgpool Admin is a configuration management and monitoring tool for PGpool-II, helping you manage and monitor the performance of your PostgreSQL database. In this guide, we will go through the steps to install and configure Pgpool Admin on Ubuntu Linux, helping you manage and monitor the performance of your database.
#database #postgreSQL #ubuntu #pgpoolLesson 1 - Install Pgpool-II on Ubuntu
PGpool-II is a unique middleware solution, specially designed to optimize and scale the capabilities of the PostgreSQL database management system. It brings many benefits such as optimizing connections, load balancing, and performing data replication, making PGpool-II an indispensable tool in managing PostgreSQL deployments. In this detailed guide, we will go through the steps to install and configure PGpool-II on the Ubuntu Linux operating system, helping you to maximize the performance and high availability of your database.
#database #postgresql #ubuntu #pgpoolLesson 1 - Introduction to PostgreSQL Database
PostgreSQL is a powerful and open-source Object-Relational Database Management System (ORDBMS), known for its stability, scalability, and SQL compliance. Initially developed at the University of California, Berkeley, in the 1980s, it has since become one of the most popular open-source databases worldwide.
#database #postgresql #ubuntu #database-administratorLesson 2 - Load Balancing and Replication
PGpool-II is a unique middleware solution specifically designed to optimize and enhance the capabilities of the PostgreSQL database management system. It offers various benefits such as connection optimization, load distribution, and data replication, making PGpool-II an indispensable tool in managing PostgreSQL deployments. In this detailed guide, we will walk through the steps to install and configure PGpool-II on an Ubuntu Linux operating system, helping you maximize the performance and high availability of your database.
#database #postgresql #ubuntu #pgpoolLesson 2 - PostgreSQL vs. Other Databases
How does PostgreSQL compare with other databases?
#database #postgreSQL #sqlite #mysql #oracleLesson 3 - Object Model PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS). This means it combines features of both relational databases (RDBMS) and object-oriented databases (OODBMS). The object model in PostgreSQL provides features such as user-defined data types, inheritance, and polymorphism, enhancing its capabilities beyond a typical SQL-based RDBMS.
#Database #PostgreSQL #RDBMS Concepts #Object Model #ORDBMS #Object Model PostgreSQL #PostgreSQL DBALesson 4 - PostgreSQL 16 Replication Setup
PostgreSQL has a layer replication feature, allowing data to be copied from one DB to another, creating multiple copies of data. This feature helps distribute data, ensure the latest data, and support replacing the primary server.
#database #replication #ubuntuInstall and secure PostgreSQL 14 on Ubuntu 22.04 -
Install and secure PostgreSQL 14 on Ubuntu 22.04
#Database #PostgreSQL #Ubuntu #PostgreSQL 14