
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Spring and Spring Boot
Lesson 1 - Introduction to Spring and Spring Boot

This lesson will introduce Spring Framework and Spring Boot, two important technologies in Java programming. You will learn about the development history of Spring Framework and Spring Boot, as well as their key features.

#spring-boot #spring-framework #spring-boot-features #spring-boot-history
Spring Boot Basic
Spring Boot Basic -

Spring Boot is a project developed by Spring Framework, which helps developers build Java applications quickly and easily. This course will introduce Spring Boot and how to use it to develop Java applications.

#spring-boot #java
Lesson 2 - Installation and Development Environment Setup
Lesson 2 - Installation and Development Environment Setup

In this lesson, we will install and set up the Spring Boot development environment on your personal computer, so you can start developing Spring Boot applications without having to install many things.

#spring-boot #spring-framework #spring-boot-features #spring-boot-history
Lesson 3 - Exploring Project Structure and Managing Dependencies
Lesson 3 - Exploring Project Structure and Managing Dependencies

In this lesson, we will explore the default project structure of a Spring Boot project and how to manage dependencies in a Spring Boot project, helping you understand how Spring Boot projects are organized and dependencies are managed.

#spring-boot #spring-framework #spring-boot-features #spring-boot-history