Lesson 7 - Using Kong Gateway to deploy API Gateway for Microservices system on Microk8s

14/01/2023 - 3 phút

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What is KONG?

  • Kong is a Microservice API Gateway. Kong provides a flexible layer to manage secure communication between clients and microservices through APIs. Also known as an API gateway, API middleware, or in some cases a service mesh. It was made available as an open-source project in 2015, with its core values being high performance and scalability.

  • Kong is a Lua application running within bash and implemented thanks to the lua-bash-module.

Why do we use KONG?

If you are building for the Web, Mobile or IoT (Internet of Things), you may need a common functionality to run your real-world software. Kong can help by acting as a gateway (or sidecar) for microservice requests while providing load balancing, logging, authentication, rate limiting, transformation, and more through plugins.

But surely, Kong is a template tool that will help speed up development time and it supports configurable plugins. And the development community makes it stable.

  • Many authentication plugins

    1. JWT
    2. LDAP (most commonly used)
    3. OAuth2
  • Security plugins:

    1. CL
    2. CORS
    3. Dynamic SSL
    4. IP Restriction
  • Traffic control plugin is very useful for cost limitation such as rate limiting, request size limiting, response rate limiting, and others.

  • Analytics and monitoring plugins visualize, test, and monitor API traffic such as Prometheus, Data Dog, and RunScope.

  • Transformation plugin that transform request and responses on the fly such as Request Transformer, Response Transformer.

  • Logging plugin that log request and response data using the best transport for your infrastructure: TCP, UDP, HTTP, StatsD, Syslog and others.

I have briefly introduced Kong API Gateway, you can refer to more information at https://konghq.com/

Now I will configure as follows:

In the previous article, I instructed you to build 2 images service01 and service02.

Lesson 7 - Configuring Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.04 and writing Pipeline Build Service

IPHostnamevCPURAMDISK core32GSSD 500G core2G50G core2G50G core2G50G core2G50G core2G50G core2G50G core2G50G

Currently does not support installation using databases (DB-mode) or not using databases (DB-less-mode)

Here I use DB-less-mode to save Kong configuration

Step 1: Configure Kong Controller Ingress

ssh ubuntu@

We proceed to apply Kong Controller Ingress, here I have researched many articles and provided a standard file below, you can run it directly or customize it according to your requirements. To perform, we use the following command.

microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/2b875c579a2ef53f68053e4e5af5b90b/raw/deef2792d33db7fb62c784421c447731f1d5808d/all-in-one-dbless.yaml

File contents all-in-one-dbless.yaml

Continue applying kong ingress configuration

microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/1d8c8f270e28d022cd6cdfb06b6a4484/raw/02ba2bdc5c5c6ae0996a40340e6f3a0e6bc965c2/kong-ingress.yaml

File contents kong-ingress.yaml

Step 2: Configure service01 and service02


microk8s kubectl apply -f  https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/e1e50da183eff226f7b2fc5e39781d8c/raw/97eb61e0debbd76a9c42f61e01e47054653334c9/service01-deployment.yaml

File contents service01-deployment.yaml


microk8s kubectl apply -f  https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/e3b20b53d33302d654cd1b058a283562/raw/44553ddf0f142431fc1c394a25e89c8a4e513255/service02-deployment.yaml

File contents service02-deployment.yaml

Step 3: Configure Kong ingress for Service01 and Service02


 microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/0f43b50aeed7d1a2cd51cc6dcf307ace/raw/f70bab1ac04d98280777e21821ca530690403285/kong-ingress-service01.yaml

File contents kong-ingress-service01.yaml


 microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/6e366ab62b4d01e84352f3e616627201/raw/a49523cc901736875e7af33e0b54d633fc2c927c/kong-ingress-service02.yaml

File contents kong-ingress-service02.yaml

After applying the configuration successfully, we check whether the configuration is correct or not by going to the link:


Custom Config Kong ingress configuration

Here I increase the set connect_timeout, read_timeout, write_timeout so you can use the command

microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/61b2dce63558ccfed18b6095abc06ed6/raw/6cca022d014c919153ef66a8bd8eb5634c4cec28/timeout-kong-ingress.yaml

File contents timeout-kong-ingress.yaml

So I have successfully increased the timeout of ingress

You can learn more at the link: https://docs.konghq.com/kubernetes-ingress-controller/latest/references/custom-resources/

Configure Kubernetes Ingress Controller annotations

apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1
kind: Ingress
  name: service02
  namespace: kong
  annotations: # <- Add here
    konghq.com/strip-path: "true" #
    konghq.com/preserve-host: "false
    ingressClassName: kong
      - http:
          - path: /service02
            pathType: Prefix
                name: service02
                  number: 5000

You can find the necessary service wall configurations here: https://docs.konghq.com/kubernetes-ingress-controller/latest/references/custom-resources/

Configure the zipkin distributed tracing system plugin

Note that you need to install the zipkin server first, I have provided instructions in [article 7].

We apply the Kong configuration with the following command:

 microk8s kubectl apply -f https://gist.githubusercontent.com/akitectio/c5af0e748628ca778740451da9e1d783/raw/62ca7641ebe3d939a93c53a91cceb734d8893c3e/kong-plugin-zipkin.yaml

The content of the file kong-plugin-zipkin.yaml

So you have successfully configured the Kong zipkin plugin, now you can track all requests to the API through Kong.

So you have successfully installed Kong API Gateway.